Munich Quantum Valley

Safe and reliable quantum applications

Quantum computing has the potential to bring about groundbreaking changes in many industry sectors. Since quantum computers process data more efficiently than conventional computers, they can work with complicated data sets; this means that in the future, they will be able to perform computing tasks that were previously impossible. However, quantum computing is still in its infancy, so a lot of fundamental research is required before the technology can be reliably put to use.

To help find solutions to the many challenges, the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) initiative was launched in Munich at the beginning of January 2021. Together with the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities, the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, the Max Planck Society and the Technical University of Munich, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is researching how to advance the development of quantum technology and science in Bavaria.

The project is focused on three core objectives:

  • Establishing a center for quantum computing and quantum technology
  • Establishing a quantum technology park
  • Developing special activities related to teaching, entrepreneurship and public relations

The Munich Quantum Valley will be funded by the state of Bavaria over a period of five years beginning in October 2021, with the aim of creating an economic and technical environment for widespread industry use of quantum computers and quantum technologies.

To this end, the members of the MQV initiative have formed consortia to establish a quantum computer infrastructure using three different hardware platforms.

Fraunhofer IKS is helping industry to harness quantum computing

Fraunhofer IKS is part of the K7 — Quantum Algorithms for Applications, Cloud & Industry consortium. Together with the Fraunhofer Institutes AISEC, IIS and IISB, Fraunhofer IKS is aiming to develop the expertise, tools, services and resources required in science and industry. This way, quantum computers can be used in the future to solve problems in application (for example, how to develop new batteries or medicines).

However, it is difficult for the industry sector to access the advantages offered by quantum computing at present, as knowledge of the hardware is required and the current design of the quantum algorithms is something that very few people are familiar with. The K7 members are pursuing their vision of making reliable, quantum computing-based solutions easily accessible to end users, allowing them to make use of quantum computing as efficiently as possible, with minimal knowledge of the associated hardware and software. As a result, industry users will be able to harness the advantages offered by quantum computing efficiently, becoming early adopters of the technology.

Safe quantum computing for safety-critical systems

Fraunhofer IKS is playing its part in the Munich Quantum Valley by contributing its expertise on the reliable application of advanced technologies in safety-critical systems. The IKS researchers’ role here will be to ensure the tools and methods developed within the initiative can be used in actual industrial applications with defined, known levels of safety, robustness and reliability.

To this end, Fraunhofer IKS is working in three different areas within the consortium:

  • Robust application software:
    Quantum computer calculations do not provide deterministic results. It is therefore necessary to evaluate and verify the robustness and stability of quantum-based algorithms. Additional uncertainties that occur due to hardware errors, for example, must also be eliminated using error correction procedures. This is the only way for quantum computing-based solutions to be reliably put to use in an industry context.
  • Simulating quantum mechanical systems more accurately using quantum computers:
    Many research fields in industry, such as pharmacy or materials research, including the development of new drugs or batteries for e-mobility, require the simulation of quantum mechanical systems. These simulation tasks are very difficult for classic computers, and their results are unreliable. Quantum computers, on the other hand, are ideally suited to carrying out these tasks. This can allow very lengthy and imprecise development processes, particularly those involving drug development, to be made significantly faster and more reliable.
  • Robust quantum computing-based machine learning:
    One of the first practical applications for quantum computers is likely to be quantum-driven machine learning. Just like their classic counterparts, these quantum-based algorithms must be fit for reliable use in safety-critical applications such as the medical sector.


The project is being sponsored by the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy (StMWi).

Further information on Munich Quantum Valley


Quantum computing / 8.7.2021

Quantum computing for medical diagnostics

Quantum computing has the potential to train artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics more efficiently. This could make diagnoses more accurate even when there is little data available. In the future, medical professionals expect to see improvements in the screening, diagnosis and progress monitoring of brain tumors, for example.


Quantum computing / 14.1.2021

A quantum leap for machine learning

You can also find an article on Munich Quantum Valley on our blog. Read on directly here.


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