News from the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS

On this page you will find all the news about Fraunhofer IKS. Use the links below and jump directly to the topic that interests you most.


Here you can find all the news about the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS.



New Deputy Director of the Institute Dr. Reinhard Stolle

As of June 1, Dr. Reinhard Stolle, Head of Business Unit Mobility, has assumed additional responsibilities as Deputy Director of the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS.

His profile page provides an overview of his previous work and projects at Fraunhofer IKS.



White paper

Complexity and uncertainty in the safety assurance and regulation of automated driving

Together with the University of York, Fraunhofer IKS has published a white paper presenting a new approach to assure the safety of cognitive cyber-physical systems (CPS), including automated driving systems.


New department "Quantum-enhanced AI"

Fraunhofer IKS has had a new department since the beginning of 2023: "Quantum-enhanced AI". It researches how quantum computing can support AI-based systems. The new department is headed by PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz.

To enable companies to quickly benefit from quantum computing, the department offers a workshop that can be customized to the company in question. More information can be found in our workshop flyer.


Information on the new building in Garching

Fraunhofer IKS is getting a new institute building at the Fraunhofer campus in Garching near Munich. The groundbreaking ceremony with Bavaria's Minister President Dr. Markus Söder and Economics Minister Hubert Aiwanger in October marked the official start of construction. On our new building page you will find all information about the construction progress in German.


Delegation visit from Africa

Fraunhofer IKS hosted a delegation from Africa. The visit was in connection with the Bavarian Africa Forum 2022, which was organized by the Bavarian Chambers of Industry and Commerce, the German Chamber of Commerce Abroad in Africa and the Bavarian State Chancellery. At Fraunhofer IKS, the participants received an introduction from institute director Mario Trapp as well as three project presentations focusing on industry and automotive.


White paper

Safe AI. How is this possible?

How is it possible to develop safe software systems based on artificial intelligence? As simple as the question sounds, a comprehensive answer would be complex. Therefore, the white paper "Safe AI - How is it possible?" focuses on the technical design and the engineering principles of safe AI-based systems.


Testing AI models for robustness online

Fraunhofer IKS brings together safety and artificial intelligence (AI): A new application assesses the reliability of artificial intelligence at the push of a button. The application tests the robustness of the results of their AI model. The new platform uses metrics for uncertainty and robustness quantification to assess the reliability of the analyses of the tested AI models.


We are looking forward to welcoming you at our events:


Training / 8.-9.10.2024

EU AI Act and High-Risk AI Systems

Fraunhofer IKS is organising a training course on the EU AI Act. Get an overview of the EU AI Act and its implications, dive deeper into the compliance approach and the verification methodology.

You can choose between two dates:

  • October 8 - 9, 2024
  • November 7 - 8, 2024

Training / 22.10.2024

Machine Learning for Safety Experts

Harness the power of machine learning without compromising safety: This two-day course will enable participants to apply the basic principles of security in machine learning to a wide range of scenarios.


All events

You can find all upcoming Fraunhofer IKS envents on our event overview.

Safe Intelligence Blog

These are our latest blog posts:


Production / 8.7.2024

Autonomous Systems on a Leash

A precisely defined operating environment is not only important for autonomous driving. The Operational Design Domain (ODD) also ensures safety for many other highly automated systems in rail transport, logistics and mobile robotics.



Production / 1.7.2024

Showcasing Cutting-Edge Automation at Fraunhofer IKS

To investigate the future of automation and possible transition paths towards it, Fraunhofer IKS is working on extending automation systems for novel applications. Read on to understand how these prototypes have taken shape and what insights they provide.


Interview Frank Kirschke-Biller / 17.6.2024

»The holistic view of product safety is very important to me«

This year's two-day Safetronic conference will once again focus on a wide range of presentations to the holistic safety of road vehicles. Frank Kirschke-Biller, member of the program committee, discusses focal points and highlights for participants in an interview.


Driverless rail vehicles / 22.4.2024

Safe and driverless public transport

In many major cities, the regular operation of self-driving trains is already part of everyday life. But how does autonomous driving in rail transport work?


Automation / 29.5.2024

The Human-Centric Factory

Rather than replacing workers, modern manufacturing approaches aim to combine human expertise and automation, leading to a production setup that increases quality without sacrificing efficiency. Read on to understand how human skills and automation can be combined on the shop floor.


EU AI Act / 27.5.2024

EU adopts AI label

The EU has developed a legal framework for artificial intelligence (AI) products. The aim is to protect citizens and companies from potential harm that may be caused by the use of artificial intelligence. What does this mean for companies that develop AI products?


Machine Learning / 6.5.2024

Formal Verification of Neural Networks with Quantum Computers

Neural networks are not robust. The development of reliable predictors requires systematic methods to both assess their quality and to gain confidence in their correctness. Quantum computing can help here.

Safe Intelligence Blog

On our Safe Intelligence Blog you find blog articles about the technical topics of Fraunhofer IKS. In addition, you can learn more about our employees and the way we work at the institute. Read on directly.

Please note: Most blog articles are in German.


You want to accompany the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS on its way? Then we look forward to receiving your application!


Current vacancies

Want to be part of the team? Then take a look at our jobs portal. There may be just the right role for you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Jobs & Career

Join our team! Here you can find our job offers and information about working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS.


Your colleagues

Would you like to know who your potential colleagues at Fraunhofer IKS are? Read our employee portraits on our Safe Intelligence Blog to find out what motivates our colleagues and what they are working on!


Anna Guderitz

Contact Press / Media

Anna Guderitz

Business Development Industrial Sensors

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-354

Hans-Thomas Hengl

Contact Press / Media

Hans-Thomas Hengl

PR Officer

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-396