PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Head of Department at Fraunhofer IKS

PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz, Acting Head of Business Unit & Head of Department at Fraunhofer IKS
© Fraunhofer IKS
PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz, Acting Head of Business Unit & Head of Department at Fraunhofer IKS

»To me, Safe Intelligence is about enabling robust quantum-based AI. This will allow us to use the emerging technology of quantum computing in safety-critical applications.«

Since the beginning of 2023, PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz has been head of the department »Quantum-enhanced AI« at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS. She has already been working as a Senior Scientist at Fraunhofer IKS since April 2021 on enabling reliable and robust quantum computing.

Jeanette Lorenz studied physics and mathematics at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich. Her studies were followed by many years of research in experimental high-energy particle physics at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) and in Munich. She has led numerous international research groups both at LMU Munich and at CERN. Her specialty was the search for dark matter particle candidates at the Large Hadron Collider.

In 2014, she also received her PhD with honors from LMU Munich. In 2020, she habilitated and has since been teaching at the Faculty of Physics at LMU as a private lecturer.

At Fraunhofer IKS, she leads the projects in the field of quantum computing. The goal of her work is to significantly advance the development of quantum technology in Germany.

You want to learn more about Jeanette Lorenz? Then read her portrait on our Safe Intelligence Blog:

Teaching activities

Courses taught by Jeanette Lorenz at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München:

  • Lecture »Applications of quantum computing«
    This lecture will introduce potential applications of near-term noisy immediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers within physics and industrial areas. The focus is here on completing simulation tasks by quantum computers, using quantum computers to solve optimization problems, or to benefit from quantum machine learning.



Current events where Jeanette Lorenz is giving/has given presentations:


Jeanette Lorenz offers bachelor and master theses in the field of quantum computing:

  •  Quantum machine learning
  • Optimization and simulation problems
  • Noise modelling and error mitigation


Associations of which Jeanette Lorenz is a member:

  • Member of the German Physical Society (DPG)
  • Part project management of Munich Quantum Valley

quantum computing

Explore the opportunities of this cutting-edge technology in a workshop tailored to your company. For this purpose, Fraunhofer IKS offers four workshop modules that can be customized to your needs.

Blog articles by and about PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

On our blog you will find numerous articles by our colleagues about the research topics of Fraunhofer IKS. Here are the blog articles by and about Jeanette Lorenz:


Interview with Jeanette Lorenz

“Companies will be able to benefit from quantum computing right from the start“

The “QuaST” (quantum-enabling services and tools for industrial applications) project, led by Fraunhofer IKS, is now underway. Jeanette Lorenz, Senior Scientist at the Quantum Computing Department of Fraunhofer IKS, heads the project. In this interview, she explains what QuaST is all about.



How quantum computing could be helpful for medical diagnostics

Quantum computing has the potential to train artificial intelligence in medical diagnostics more efficiently. This could make diagnoses more accurate even when there is little data available. In the future, medical professionals expect to see improvements in the screening, diagnosis and progress monitoring of brain tumors, for example.

Quantum computing:
Is it all just hype?

Quantum computers are supposed to solve questions where normal computers fail. But the technology is nowhere near as advanced as hoped. From trying to calm a hype.

Read the complete article, for which Jeanette Lorenz was also interviewed, at sueddeutsche.de.

Interview with Jeanette Lorenz

As hurdle-free as possible: quantum computing for small and medium-sized companies

Because quantum computers can solve highly complex tasks, their use can give industrial companies a technological edge. However, using the enormous computing power is also demanding and hardly manageable for individual companies. In the QuaST project, researchers at Fraunhofer IKS want to make it as easy as possible to get started with quantum technology. Project manager Jeanette Lorenz explains what this might look like and what difficulties still have to be overcome.

Projects of PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Research and industry are increasingly starting to look at software for quantum computers. This is where Jeanette Lorenz comes in together with her colleagues at Fraunhofer IKS. She is part of the Bavarian Competence Center Quantum Security and Data Science (BayQS) and Munich Quantum Valley (MQV). She also heads the QuaST consortium, which aims to provide companies with low-threshold access to quantum computing.


Bavarian Competence Center for Quantum Security and Data Science

The Bavarian Competence Center for Quantum Security and Data Science (BayQS) aims to address three important aspects of quantum computing: cybersecurity, reliability & robustness and optimization.


Munich Quantum Valley

Munich Quantum Valley conducts research on the industrial use of quantum computers and quantum technologies. To ensure that quantum computing can be used safely, Fraunhofer IKS contributes its expertise on the reliable application of advanced technologies in safety-critical systems.


QuaST — quantum-enabling services and tools for industrial applications

The aim of the QuaST project is to provide low-threshold access to quantum computers for companies of all sizes. Industrial end users will only need to have minimal knowledge of QC hardware and software to automatically receive easily accessible and reliable QC-supported solutions for their application problems.


Press release / 3.2.2022

Solving optimization problems with quantum computing

In the future, quantum computers will be able to solve highly complex tasks that traditional computers have failed to do so far. In the QuaST project, which is funded by Germany’s Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action, seven partners from science and industry are researching how to make quantum computing as easily accessible as possible for small and large companies.