Head of Department »Automation Systems« at Fraunhofer IKS

»To me, Safe Intelligence means that systems and software architectures can adapt flexibly, autonomously and reliably to changes and different situations.«
Dr. Gereon Weiß leads the department »Automation Systems« at the Fraunhofer Institute for Cognitive Systems IKS and has been working as an expert in applied research of software-intensive systems for many years.
He studied computer science at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Afterwards, he worked in various leading positions within the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. In parallel, he did his PhD at the University of Augsburg on the topic of »Design of Self-Adaptation in Distributed Embedded Systems«.
His research focus is how software-intensive systems can become more adaptive and intelligent without reducing the necessary safety and quality requirements. To this end, he actively participates in the research field as a member of various program committees of international conferences, journals, and workshops. He has already been able to bring his research results to real-world applications in many research and industrial contexts, ranging from intelligent vehicle software architectures and adaptive industrial automation to mobile autonomous robots and transportation systems.