Scientific publications


List of publications

Here you can find the publications of Fraunhofer IKS sorted by year:



You can access all scientific publications of Fraunhofer IKS and former Fraunhofer ESK in the database Fraunhofer-Publica.


EAI IC4S: Best Paper Award

Best Paper Award for the paper "Concept for Safe Interaction of Driverless Industrial Trucks and Humans in Shared Areas". The topic of the paper is a concept for safe and efficient collaboration between autonomous mobile robots (AMR) and people in shared areas.


Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Contact Press / Media

PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Head of Department

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-334

Reinhard  Stolle

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Reinhard Stolle

Deputy Director

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-392

Gereon Weiß

Contact Press / Media

Dr. Gereon Weiß

Head of Department

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-348

Núria Mata

Contact Press / Media

Dr.-Ing. Núria Mata

Head of Department

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-323

Karsten Roscher

Contact Press / Media

Karsten Roscher

Head of Department

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-349

Philipp Schleiß

Contact Press / Media

Philipp Schleiß

Systems Safety Engineering

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-398