Workshop »Power of AI«

Engineering AI for Safe Systems

Revolutionize your products and processes with the help of artificial intelligence. Fraunhofer IKS supports you with its diverse workshop options.

Our areas of expertise

  • Predictive maintenance
  • Policy and process optimization
  • Visual inspection and quality control
  • Adaptive and resilient AI-driven architectures

Workshop Options

Basic package – 2 days

  • Pain-point workshops: 
    Identify critical challenges in the manufacturing processes that can benefit from AI solutions.
  • AI readiness assessment:
    Evaluate your industry‘s readiness for AI implementation and provide recommendations.
  • On-site visits:
    Gewinnen Sie wertvolle Einblicke in Ihre Fertigungsprozesse durch unsere Beobachtungen aus erster Hand und Daten-Audits.

Deep dive package – 10 days

  • State-of-the-art AI research:
    Explore the latest AI technologies and advancements, including quantum computing solutions.
  • Tailored AI solutions:
    Propose customized AI use cases to address your specific pain-points and streamline operations.
  • Competitive analysis:
    Conduct in-depth research on competitors, differentiating your products with a unique selling proposition.
  • Phase-based plan:
    Develop a comprehensive roadmap to minimize risks and ensure successful product development.
  • Business model development:
    Create a robust business model, calculating the return on investment for your AI products.
  • Cost estimation:
    Determine the investment required for AI development, certification, and marketing from ideation to launch.

Prototyping package – 20 days

  • Fast prototyping:
    Develop your first AI product in just 20 days using our expertise and extended AI libraries.
  • Daten audit:
    Assess and analyze the quality, integrity, and relevance of your existing data.


R&D package – customized

  • Research:
    Complete research and development of AI systems, scientific publication, and partner for federal research grants.
  • Validation:
    Validation of AI software according to ISO/IEC/DIN and international best practices.


  • We are part of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, the world‘s leading applied research organization.
  • A large team of experienced scientists, researchers, and developers specializing in AI for manufacturing.
  • Focused on providing high-quality technology transfer, R&D, and product development.
  • Independent partner, ensuring neutrality across products, technologies and manufacturers.

Contact us directly to discuss your individual requirements.

Anna Guderitz

Contact Press / Media

Anna Guderitz

Business Development Industrial Sensors

Hansastr. 32
80686 Munich

Phone +49 89 547088-354